Making Learning Extraordinary

Workplace Learning Professional Coaching Program

We Make Learning Extraordinary by building actionable and sustainable learning strategies with CUSTOMIZED learning solutions! Concerning Learning consultants believe that a one-size-fits-all approach rarely leads to learning transfer and improved performance. It’s a fact that each individual is different with unique learning needs. So, why offer the same learning solutions? Although we offer tailored learning solutions for our clients, we have a consistent and reliable approach to helping professionals achieve their best! We define coaching as “the process of equipping professionals with tools and resources to develop their skills and experience while receiving continual support, feedback, encouragement, and follow-up.”

Specifically, we do the following to help you grow as a workplace learning professional (WLP):

  • Help you better appreciate your own strengths and areas for improvement;

  • Encourage you to establish GROWTH goals to improve your on-the-job performance;

  • Monitor and hold you accountable for achieving your goals;

  • Facilitate self-discovery of challenges that may be adversely affecting your progress;

  • Generate alternative perspectives and strategies for addressing identified challenges;

  • Boldly challenge you to move beyond your present level of performance to higher levels of excellence;

  • Provide you with honest feedback to propel your development; and

  • Listen with an empathetic ear;

  • Give you a roadmap to realize your full potential!

Here’s how it works…

For six weeks, we form a partnership to move through these steps.

  1. Discover—20 minutes (complimentary)

  • Explore the dimensions of your challenges and problems

  • Discuss the coaching process

  • Set expectations for both you and the coach

2. Contract

  • Establish a payment plan

  • Agree on outcomes and desired results

  • Pledge commitment the terms of the coaching agreement

3. Assessment—1-hour virtual meeting

  • Dig deeper into your challenges

  • Conduct skills assessments based on the Association for Talent Development (ATD) Competency Model

4. Plan—1-hour virtual meeting

  • Explore viable solutions

  • Generate alternatives solutions

  • Create the Take Charge of Your Development Plan using the agreed-upon solutions

5. Implement

  • You implement solutions

  • Complete growth assignments

6. Monitor—Four, 1-hour meetings

  • Weekly, one-hour check-ins to see how things are progressing

  • Determine whether the solution is implemented on schedule

  • Determine if the solution is working

  • Make adjustments as needed

  • Celebrate successes, mistakes, and new challenges

Next Steps

When you're ready to grow and become an EXTRAORDINARY WLP, contact us to get started. Our flexible scheduling ensures that you get every bit of your investment.